T: 01455 612000
No time to lose!
Brodsworth Quarry 52 ha of
improved grassland and arable land J37 A1(M)
Charity Ploughing Match
23, 24 March
Entry Form Link
Tickets and Donations
Match Entries by text by 18th March to
T: 07810838936
DN5 7UJ Green Lane
9.30 am Parade
10.00 am start
Site Location and Roman Ridge issues
Brodsworth Quarry 52 ha of
improved grassland and arable land J37 A1(M)
Ploughing Match 23, 24 March
Match Entries by text by 18th March to
T: 07810838936
Entrances Tractors DN5 7UJ
Green Lane
TRACTORS please use the Green Lane entrance
and then take the Type 1 track down to the parking area
competition area marked with the blue line
Mineral Investments Limited
Independent environmental and agricultural advisers
SFI Actions
SFI actions for soils - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
SAM1: Assess soil, produce a soil management plan and test soil organic matter
SAM2: Multi-species winter cover
SAM3: Herbal leys
Overview of the SFI actions for farmland wildlife on arable and horticultural land
The SFI actions for farmland wildlife on arable and horticultural land are focused on providing habitat and food sources for farmland birds, pollinators and a range of other farmland wildlife.
They can also support an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach if they’re done close to cropped areas, which can help to reduce costs and improve farm resilience.
The actions include:
AHL1: Pollen and nectar flower mix
AHL2: Winter bird food on arable and horticultural land
AHL3: Grassy field corners and blocks
AHL1: Pollen and nectar flower mix
This action’s aim
This action’s aim is that there’s a pollen and nectar flower mix which produces areas of flowering plants from late spring and during the summer months.
The purpose of this is to:
provide food for beneficial pollinators, such as bumble bees, solitary bees, butterflies and hoverflies
encourage natural crop pest predators as part of an IPM approach if located close to cropped areas
AHL2: Winter bird food on arable and horticultural land
This action’s aim
This action’s aim is that there are areas of winter bird food that produce a supply of small seeds for smaller farmland birds from late autumn until late winter.
AHL3: Grassy field corners or blocks
This action’s aim
This action’s aim is that there’s an intact grass sward throughout the year, without tracks, compacted areas or poaching, so tussocky grass can develop.
The purpose of this is to:
provide year-round habitat for a range of wildlife
support an IPM approach if located close to cropped areas
Crop trial plot areas
The Sustainable Farming Incentive SFI AHL1 seed mixture, also known as Pollen and Nectar Flower, requires the establishment of a diverse pollen and nectar flowering mixture that produces nectar rich flowering plants during late spring and throughout the summer. The aim of SFI AHL1 is to provide sustenance and habitat for essential pollinators and natural predators of crop pests. SFI AHL1 seed mixtures operates as a rotational measure, allowing farmers to implement it consistently on the same land annually or to relocate it within the farm. The seed mix must incorporate a minimum of six flowering species, excluding grasses.
Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) AHL2, Winter Bird Food, is designed to create a diverse habitat containing plant species that will not only create nest sites for farmland birds but also cover for other farmland wildlife. Sustainable Farming Initiative (SFI) AHL2 winter bird food option encourages farms to take areas of low production out of standard crop rotation and instead, using SFI AHL2, create areas that will produce a reliable supply of small seeds suitable for smaller, more at risk, farmland birds. SFI Winter Bird Food options must be established so that during the summer months flowering species are able to offer a food source for insects. It is important to comply with SFI AHL2 that seed is available from late October to the end of February. and habitat that benefits a range of wildlife. This option must contain at least six seed producing species and is a rotation option allowing farms to move this option around the farm.
Herbal Ley for Heavy Soils
Similar to both our standard and Premium Herbal Ley seed mixtures our Heavy Soils Herbal Ley mixture still contains a range of herbs, grasses and legumes key to both animal and soil health. Heavy Soils Herbal Ley only contains species that will thrive in more bodied and often damper soil.
Contains: 10% early perennial ryegrass 20% intermediate perennial ryegrass, 10% late perennial ryegrass,10% meadow fescue, 11% timothy, 5% tall fescue, 8% red clover, 3% lucerne, 4% white clover, 3% alsike clover, 2% chicory, 2% sheeps parsley, 4% ribwort plantain, 8% sainfoin